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July 2024
June 2024
April 2024

We're Sailing

By: Fosse Fortuin

Hello all, POS: 57*06.89 S 66*36.77 W COG: 355 SOG: 6 - 8 WND: E 4-6 You can imagine what we are up to today. All sails up including the Royals. Everyone is in a very cheerful mood. Pretty logic The sun comes out at...

March 2024

Drake Lake so far

By: Fosse Fortuin

Hello all, POS: 69°21.30 S 65°00.51 W COG: 002 SOG: 6 WND: NW 1-3 Another quiet day at the Drake. Drake Lake so far. No wind, No big Sea No view Fog Little excitement. Anxious to sail again We're just on...

Paradise and Neko

By: Mattias Borchardt-Hume

Scraping and shoving we fight a deck caked in snow, trying to keep our  footing as we prepare to launch zodiacs for the morning’s cruise. While  we instinctively regret the grey weather, the two humpbacks...

March 2024

Quite a different night

By: Fosse Fortuin

Hello all, POS: 64*52.2 S 63*10.8 W COG: Making circles SOG: 3 WND: NW 2-7 Quite a different night Steep waves pounding the nose of our proud Bark Europa Lemaire Channel in a fog with 30+ winds on the nose. The high...

In a land untouched by humans

By: Mattias Borchardt-Hume

In a land untouched by humans, we are surrounded by cathedrals, pyramids, and arches. These great sculptures were not created at the hands of man, but by the giant glaciers which line the Antarctic shores, moulding...

March 2024

In a world as perfect as this

By: Mattias Borchardt-Hume

At the bottom of the world, we see mountains upside-down in the water's reflection. So still is the Lemaire Channel that the picture of the cliffs above is mirrored precisely on the surface, broken only by...

A day for the moments

By: Fosse Fortuin

Hello all, POS: 64*15.5 S 61*22.13 W COG: variable SOG: 1 - Drifting WND: N'ly 2-3 An Easy day Today we'll start with the Graham Passage and move onwards for a look at the wreck at Enterprise Island. We'll play...

March 2024